What Do You Call Someone Who Yo-yos for a Living?

I get asked this a lot. “What do we call you?”

I prefer “Yo-yoer”, “Yo-yo Guy”, “Yo-yo Man”, or “Yo-yo Player”, but there are actually a ton of acceptable options. “Yo-yoer” and “Yo-yo Player” are definitely the most contemporary and coolest of the options, but there are others that were used more in the past, some that aren’t universal, and some that are significantly dorkier.

“Yo-yoist” seems like an attempt to be classy that just sounds weird. “Cellist” and “Pianist” make total sense, but I think “Yo-yoist” is a bit much.

“Yo’er” is a nice attempt at making some slang, but it really doesn’t roll off the tongue, and the apostrophe is awkward.

“Yo-yo Champion” is awesome, but not everyone gets to use it. I do. Because I’m a world champion. Not that I’m bragging. But I totally get to use it.

“Yo-yo Professional” is another good one, but it’s also one that doesn’t accurately describe everyone.

“Yo-yo Master” has great style, and as long as a player has some level of mastery, I think it’s fine to use.

“Throw Monkey” became a trademarked product name almost immediately, so it never caught on.

“Yo-yo Ninja” had a brief life in the late 90s. I’m lukewarm on it. Seems over the top to me.

“Yoyologist” is the worst. Please don’t use this. It’s so dorky that it still makes me cringe, even after over 30 years in the business.

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Subscribe to Mark’s Revitalized YouTube Channel

When Mark isn’t busy being funny onstage or working hard in his office, he likes to make things in his workshop. Woodworking is the main activity, but Mark has skills in metal and other materials as well. If you’d like to stay informed on what Mark is making, you can subscribe to his YouTube channel, and be sure to click the button to receive notifications… if you’re into that kind of thing.

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The Latest Goofy Video from Mark Hayward & Marcus Monroe

They’re at it again! Mark and Marcus are trying to make your life better with a few Life Hacks. Check it out and live better:

Share the video and subscribe to Mark’s YouTube channel to stay abreast of the comedy.

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I’m on a podcast!

You can hear me talking about performing, creativity, yo-yos, and juggling with host Dan Holzman on the International Jugglers Association podcast Drop Everything. It’s pretty good.


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The Wisconsin State Journal Gives Mark Some Love

“It turns out that there are things the business world can learn from a professional yo-yo man,” said Hayward, who performs tricks as he speaks on the topic of “The Art of Failure.”

This is a really well written and surprisingly thorough exploration of the many things that Mark does in his career.

Read the full article here.


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